
Apply for a Grant

If your project has not been previously funded by Colcom Foundation, please submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI). LOIs are accepted on a rolling basis. If the LOI is approved, you will be invited to submit a full Grant Application. The submission deadlines for Grant Applications are below:

November 30February
February 28May
May 31August
August 31November

Please utilize the online grants portal* when submitting a Letter of Inquiry or Grant Application.

Required Materials (for Grant Applications only):

  1. Most recent 990
  2. Most recent audited financials or equivalent
  3. Itemized project budget
  4. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Table (click here to download)


  1. Most recent annual report or newsletter

*If you have questions or issues with the online forms or would like to submit an LOI for a national Carrying Capacity project, please email contact@colcomfdn.org.